Warm Welcome
A very warm welcome from Singapore Club of Thailand (SCOT)! Whether you are here permanently or on a temporary posting, this is a golden opportunity to make new friends and assimilate into Thai culture.
Our vision is to strengthen and promote closer bonding within our Singaporean community. Hence, we created this platform so that we can connect and network with other like-minded Singaporeans and friends. Our other purposes are to provide a place where the community can get the latest news about Singapore and extend a helping hand to the local community in times of need.
Members Activities
We would like to invite you to become a member of SCOT and join the community of Singaporeans in Thailand. Below are some of the activities of SCOT throughout the year:-
Chinese New Year Luncheon cum AGM in February(free with membership)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) events to help schools and students in remote communities in Northern Thailand (e.g. Chiang Mai & Chiang Rai) usually in December
National Day Luncheon in August
Numerous networking events throughout the year
Charity Golf Tournaments
Weekend Trips to major attractions for sightseeing, food, recreation and fellowship
Priority Invitation to Singapore Embassy events
Many more fun and exciting activities
Connect with SCOT // Membership Fee Baht 1,000 per year
If you are keen to join SCOT, please complete the information below and send it back to SCOT ( The Membership Fee is Baht 1,000 per year. For more information, please visit
You can follow us on Line adding @SCOT below
Mobile No.
Best Regards,
SCOT Exco Committee
Please remit your membership fee of Baht 1,000 to:
Account Name: Singapore Club of Thailand
Bank : Kasikorn Bank (Kingphet Branch) - Saving Account No. : 023-2-46152-7
Please send it back to SCOT email ( for the bank-in-slip (indicating your name).
For payment via iBanking or ATM, do remember to state your Name or Mobile No. for verification